Annual Christmas Toy Drive
The Kidzz Helping Kidzz Advisory Board of youth (ages 10-17) have distributed over 53,000 toys to ill children at St. Michael Medical Center, Seattle Children's Hospital, Mary Bridge Children's Hospital, St. Anthony Hospital, and Kaiser Urgent Care impacting over 53,000 lives! For 2025, our Advisory Board of Kidzz wants to brighten the lives of at least 5,000 kids who will be in the hospital. This is our biggest event of the year and we greatly appreciate the generous contributions from our community.

Food Drive
We successfully conducted our first Kidzz Helping Kidzz food drive to support low-income families residing in Bremerton. Our youth-led social media campaign and partnership with community businesses resulted in the donation of 2,107 non-perishable food items weighing 2,111 lbs – the equivalent of 1,759 meals for families in need. In 2025, we will expand our food drive program. We want to provide a minimum of 4000 pounds of non-perishable food to low-income youth residing in Bremerton and South Kitsap, Washington.

Bremerton Backpack Brigade Program
The Kidzz Helping Kidzz Advisory Board of youth meet each month with staff from the Bremerton Backpack Brigade to pack backpacks with food for children in need. The backpacks are filled on a Thursday and given to children Friday morning to take home for the weekend.

Central Kitsap Food Backpack 4 Kids
The Kidzz Helping Kidzz Advisory Board of youth meet each month with staff from CKFB4Kids to pack bags and boxes with food for children and families in need. Each week the food backpack “bags” are packed by volunteers and delivered to the schools on Friday morning so families don’t suffer from food insecurity over the weekend.