The amazing Kidzz Helping Kidzz Advisory Board met last night. They shared their impressions of our Kidzz Helping Kidzz 2021 Toy Drive and their success in brightening the lives of 9000 children in the hospital on Christmas day.
Several members spoke about what volunteering meant to them and why they wanted to be part of Kidzz Helping Kidzz.
They also discussed why youth should lead the activities of the organization.
Following our meeting, we started "Kids Chat" game night.
Kids from our Advisory Board and other local kids join us for Kids Chat game night each month. This month, the kids played the family entertainment game “Search History “.

This family game night idea offers interesting twists and turns!
One player reads the prompts on a card and participants attempt to complete the sentence in writing without showing their answer to other participants.

The player who comes closest to the answer revealed on the card wins that round.
This family game night idea involves creativity and insight into a realistic response to the question posed.

I think the kids had more fun throwing popcorn at one another and cracking jokes than actually playing the family game night game.

Each round took considerable time as the kids pondered the best answer possible.

After several rounds, they decided to play something that got them on their feet.

Since it was dark and cold outside, they played an interesting game night game that is normally played outside called “statues”.

One kid turned off the light and all of the kids ran around while that person tried to tag them.
When the lights get turned on, the kids who were not tagged have to "freeze" as statutes.

The fun part of the game is seeing the positions the kids are holding when the lights turn on. Even the youngest players (age 6) and oldest (age 54) loved this family entertainment game!

As parents began to pick their kids up, the kids began talking about what they wanted to do next month. They decided to play one of the best games for game night, “Headbandz”.

Kids Chat is a wonderful program designed and led by the Kidzz Helping Kidzz Advisory Board.
It provides an opportunity to make new friends and have fun.
We originally designed Kids Chat as an online Zoom meeting in March, 2020 as a response to social isolation brought about by the pandemic.
Given that the kids who have continued to participate in the program are local to our area, they wanted to have an in-person meeting once per month.
As the weather gets warmer, activities will change to accommodate outside "Kids Chat" game night games.
If you are a kid who would like to learn more about Kids Chat, just contact us here and one of the “Kidzz” will get back to you with the details.
We would love to hear from you!