It is December 11, 2021 and we had our first Kitsap county toy drive sorting and labeling party this year. Kids from our Advisory Board, parents, and volunteers showed up to work the toy donation organizing and arranging event.
Each toy was labeled with our Kidzz Helping Kidzz label which contains our logo and contact information. After the toys are labeled, they are carefully boxed.

Boxing the toys is much harder than it sounds. Our donated boxes from Costco are precious to us and we try to fill them by using all of the space in the box. Certain toys can be grouped together easily which makes boxing the toys like a puzzle.

Those with good visual-spatial skills thrive on this work and have fun creating perfectly organized boxes. Due to space constraints, we need to make sure the boxes can stack on one another.
Today we had three kids under age 7 in charge of labeling the toys. The older kids and adults carefully boxed them. Our team was incredibly efficient and we finished labeling and boxing over 700 toys in 90 minutes. It was a great team effort!

Within an hour of our Christmas toy drive toy sorting and labeling party ending, we had another two large deliveries of Christmas toy donations to our home. We just finished counting these holiday giving toys. Our new grand total of toy drive toys we have received thus far in our Christmas donation toy drive is 1,503 toys!

There is a special holiday giving “buzz” and excitement that occurs each year we work to brighten the lives of kids in the hospital at Christmas. Whether it is someone who donates toys or a member from our community who takes time out of their busy schedule to volunteer, we are constantly reminded of the kindness and generosity of those around us.

Indeed, the social isolation caused by COVID has taken its toll on us all. This Christmas toy drive seems to create joy and excitement giving this Christmas, not just in giving toys to ill children, but also in forming a sense of community simply by coming together (masked).

There is a special “buzz” and excitement that occurs in this work and we are sincerely grateful for those who make these toy drives successful.
Our first Christmas donation toy drive several years ago consisted of having just four toy donation collection boxes in the Kitsap County community.
We are now fulfilling requests of over 93 toy drive boxes near me!
We greatly appreciate the support of our community! Please consider supporting Kidzz Helping Kidzz by donating toys, time or money to our cause.