Keep the Spirit of Giving Alive
Thanks to the amazing support of our community, Kidzz Helping Kidzz has distributed over 53,000 toys to ill children in the hospital during the holidays. But our focus as a non-profit, charity organization isn't about the amount of toy donations we receive, it is about the lives we brighten with them. Come along for the journey here on our blog.
We can accomplish a lot with help from our amazing volunteers and generous sponsors.
If you received one of our toy drive donations please let us know here.
Join us in the spirit of gift giving and making a difference in families lives.
Our Mission
At Kidzz Helping Kidzz, our mission is to give hope and joy to help heal children in their time of need.
We hope to inspire others to create a culture of kindness and mutual support in our communities.
Kidzz Helping Kidzz is an IRS tax-exempt 501(c) (3) charitable nonprofit organization.
Our Core Values
We will achieve our Mission by fostering: Service, Stewardship, Empathy, Respect, Acceptance, Volunteerism, Collaboration, Advocacy, Inspiration, Innovation, Continuous Improvement, and Community Connections.
How KHK Is Impacting Lives
Prior to my daughter's diagnosis, she was going through a challenging time visiting multiple doctors, hospital visits, and blood draws for testing.
During one visit at the hospital, she received a toy donated by Kidzz Helping Kidzz and it completely lifted her spirit.
It brought her joy and helped relieve some of the anxiety she was feeling.
During a time when she was scared, not feeling well, and almost every appointment ended in more blood draws for lab work, the toy she received brought an instant smile to her face and helped take her mind off of everything she was going through.
The special memory of receiving a toy at a time when she needed it most helped her look forward to future doctor visits too.
It may sound like such a simple thing, but it made her feel loved and helped her to associate a positive experience with the nurses and doctors.
We are so appreciative and thankful for the donation she received through Kidzz Helping Kidzz.
~The Jones Family~
Are You A Kid Who Would Like To Help Other Kidzz?
Kidzz Helping Kidzz Advisory Board of Youth Statement on DEIA

Kidzz Helping Kidzz acknowledges that racism and discrimination of any kind undermines the health of individuals, families and communities. We pledge to work against individual, interpersonal, and institutional racism and discrimination in all of its many forms. Black Lives Matter. The Lives of People of Color Matter. Your Life Matters.
Please join us as we work to create a culture of giving and kindness to other kids in need.
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